The confessions of a PERFECTIONIST: by a perfectionist

I’ll tell you this now, it’s not the lest positive trait of mine but it’s part of many that make me; part of my personality and how I apply myself day to day.

Reflecting on it whilst I write this brings to mind the many times it became challenging, delegating or finishing work and projects off when you’ve already pinpointed a vision of what it should be, but in realty you’ve not reached that yet; it can eat at you until you get there!

However, it’s just one example of how being a perfectionist may be a great “superpower,” but it comes with its own set of highs and lows, just like anything else in life.

But in true perfectionist nature, I’ve listed (see how list is the key word here 😉 ) the advantages and disadvantages I’ve learned so far in my life and how to make the most out of being a perfectionist.

The Pros:

You are a high achiever
Not only am I a high achiever who wants more for my personal and professional life than the ordinary person, but I also hang out with others who share my ambitions. I’ve learnt to manifest and put it out in the universe (the best way is to speak it out loud or tell a friend as a means to hold yourself accountable) in order to make these desires a reality, whether it’s a daily goal or a long-term plan.

You’re a stickler for details
All of the minor details add up to form my overall vision in my mind. From editing articles to cleaning my home to organising all of my outfits for an upcoming vacation, it’s in my blood to do everything I can (that is within my power) to achieve the best possible result. I spend a lot of time considering the subtle details that make a special occasion (professional or personal) feel even more so.

You either give it your all or nothing at all
I can firmly know that if I’m allocated or employed for a project or task, I’ll give it my all. There will be no half-assessing or in-betweens. This is, in my opinion, one of the better qualities because if things don’t work out, I can rest assured that I did my best. “Hey, I’ve worked on XXX, I think we need to find another solution in order to move forward (or whatever relates to the scenario),” you can say to your client or friend. This also suggests you’re a fantastic problem solver!


The Cons:

You’re hell-bent on doing it properly
I’m not sure how I feel about this one. It’s when the line between meticulous and obsessive becomes hazy. While it’s admirable to pay attention to the details, I’ve found that if I don’t know when to let go, it may become harmful (especially when they are out of my control). I have to constantly remind myself that life is short and that I shouldn’t sweat the tiny stuff that won’t matter in the end. Sometimes you need to follow your gut and let things unfold in front before anything else. Life is full of ups and downs, and there’s no need to get too worked up about things like your plans not going as planned. Everything will be OK.

You’re really focused on your career
“Why is this on the con list?” you might wonder. If you’re anything like me, and you take great satisfaction in your work (no matter how big or tiny the task), you can end up placing all your eggs in one basket. That is to say, your career performance is the source of all your happiness. My pals are the same way, as I mentioned before, and we constantly remind each other that we need to find a balance and, most importantly, satisfaction in our lives outside of work. It’s easier said than done, but if you only remember one item from this article, make it this one.

You’re a thinker who thinks too much
This is something I’m really guilty of, but I’m getting better at it. Before sending a text or replaying a situation in my thoughts, I’ll overthink things, which can lead to a late-night spiraling episode. I’m perfectly aware of when I’m doing it, which is the first step toward breaking the habit, so I’ll clap myself on the back. I’ve learnt that rewording, rethinking, and overthinking certain things is a waste of time, and that instead, I should just let it be. Move forward and upward, concentrating on larger, more controllable goals and initiatives. My current approach is to do less overthinking and more action.

Are you a perfectionist? What do you consider to be the biggest pros and cons of this personality trait? Let us know in the comments on Instagram
