Same news!

With the mission to share more of me and my life with you guys, you might know that through everything I do with the blog and being an influencer, I actually also have another very interesting career that I’ve been working simultaneously at for the past year! Even though its a little hush hush for now, I do want to bring to light that if you want to do it all you can, ambition and drive sits within you, within the barriers you create yourself. It’s not always easy and at times I’m faced with a lot of challenges on balancing everything, trying not freaking out about how much I have to do, but I’ve surprised myself over and over again with how much one can achieve in a day. Of course, it’s not all roses and pretty Instagram snaps, with hard work, comes some scarifies, mood swings, less time for friends and relationships and more time focusing on yourself, your mental help and ticking off your to-do list before bedtime! But hey, do it while you can I say, the rest will follow, and soon will reveal more about what I’ve been doing outside of blogging this past year.

What do you think it is I’ve been doing this past year?

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