What I see looking back on my career?

Grab a coffee with me and let me tell you a story about what I see looking back on my career? Let me inspire you today a little!👇

Throughout my twenties, I bounced between freelancing, contracting, and working for various companies and agencies.

And while I was doing all of this, I was still ‘running’ a business, Uptown Stylehas been able to continue for 10 years in the background all while I was jumping from contract to company, while I was learning and growing inside for what Uptown Style would eventually have its foundations.

However, as an employer or recruiter, it is evident from my CV that I have not kept to one professional route, but rather have developed talents in several areas of media as a whole.

Looking back, I realise that I needed that to be who I am now!

Someone once asked me why I “run a company” while working full-time. If my company was “SO” successful, I shouldn’t have to work for someone else.

What they didn’t realise was that I needed to learn and develop and that I wanted to feel secure enough to really embrace “my business.”

Being active in numerous projects at once prepared me for the obstacles I wanted my business to encounter as it grew!

Mentally, I needed to develop so I didn’t fail.

And my response to them was “I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur.”

I didn’t intend to say that; it just came out of my mind and lips.

What I didn’t realise in that second was, what I said offered me this new context in which to talk about all the many aspects of my career in a way that didn’t appear discontinuous, disjointed, or like I was merely a dilettante attempting all these things.

“I’m multi-passionate”, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, before my 9-5 agency job begins, I get up at 5 a.m. and work on Uptown Style Studio and organise any design client orders that come in until 9 a.m.

Monday and Wednesday, 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. I check over any PRESS that needs to be posted on our media website.

It was a balancing act, but there was passion and desire there. Yes, with my thoughts moving in many places without pausing, that may be a quick way to burn out, but “I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur.”

I simply held myself differently. That short phrase enabled me to convey all of the many aspects of what I was actively doing at the time freshly, giving me confidence in any social settings, meetings, or interviews!

Career reflection is always a good thing!

Learn and grow to be a better you at whatever you find passion in!



For daily inspirational content and you want to connect with me professionally, connect with me on LinkedIn!


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