Finding the appropriate work-life balance is far easier said than done, especially considering that the majority of us still work from home, whether part-time or full-time. Before we go into how to create boundaries and constraints, it’s important emphasising that, just like when we were all going into the office, some workdays will be longer than others, which is perfectly OK as long as it doesn’t become a pattern. The most essential thing is to identify what works best for your position and lifestyle, and to completely switch off when you “clock out” for the day.
Here are some tips to help you stick to conventional office hours and, hopefully, separate work and “me” time as much as possible.
Avoid checking emails as soon as you wake up.
As simple as it is to roll over and start sending emails or replying to team text messages from the comfort of your bed, it’s a dangerous slope and a dangerous habit. Our Founder, Luoana Negut, admits to being guilty of this on occasion. “I try to enjoy some alone time in the morning, whether it’s a brief call to a family member or idly browsing through Instagram while I’m still awake.
Change out of your pyjamas.
It seems obvious, yet occasionally 12 o’clock arrives and you’re still in your nightgown. You’ll not only appear better in your Zoom conference, but you’ll also feel better. There’s no need to go full jacket and pantsuit, but at the very least, throw on a pristine shirt or comfortable sweater. The clothing change also breaks up the day so that when it’s 6:30 (or whenever your workday finishes), you can go back into your pyjamas and enjoy your evening.
Make time for yourself during the day.
“No matter how busy I am, it’s always crucial for me to plan in 30-60 minutes a day to do something for myself, whether that’s a break to go outdoors, phone a family member or friend, etc.” Even if I have to break up that time in intervals, it’s crucial to keep me sane.”
Make a daily to-do list and stick to it.
Oh, the power of prioritising your duties. Another Uptown Style team member, gives us this piece of advice: “I have always been a lover of to-do lists and write a new one every day.” This allows me to categorise what has to be done (urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, neither urgent nor important). I’m also conscious of my peaks, so I plan the jobs that need the greatest attention earlier in the day.”
Have something to look forward to every evening.
“The days are nuts, and every single minute is assigned to some form of job or obligation,” says a high school friend (and Uptown Style colleague). After the kids are down, I can’t wait to unwind with my husband, and I generally take an edible or smoke a cigarette (haha, just being honest), which always helps to decrease my tension, clear my thoughts, and lull me to sleep.” Close your laptop and make time for what makes you happy and fulfils you at the end of the day, whether it’s rewatching your favourite programme, making a beautiful meal, or a mindless FaceTime session with a buddy.
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