Healthy Hair Talk


I have long hair, and for the people that know me, they know how much it gets in the way. However, I’ve always been keen on keeping my hair as healthy  and as full of volume as possible, with natural cures and the least use of chemical products. A lot of the time, long hair (especially mine) doesn’t do as its told, I also have heavy thick hair, so it weights down; becoming flat at the top. I tend to use heat (blow driers) a lot of the time for styling and giving that extra body, which makes my hair prone to dryness and split ends. For some time now I’ve wanted to find products that suit my hair and demands. In addition to having a very good hairdresser, I stumbled upon this delicious product to keep my hair fresh WEN CONDITIONING CLEANSER. I change my shampoo and conditioner a lot, because I often feel that my hair gets a bit saturated by the same products after a while. However, Wen Conditioning Cleanser has  now became a favourite, along with Moroccan Oil that I put in my hair whiles it’s wet, and in my lengths once my hair is dry. It really helps my hair look healthy.

  •  Wen Conditioning Cleanser – I love this sulfate-free shampoo for several reasons, its texture and how long a bottle actually lasts, it’s knack for keeping hair’s natural oils intact and  helps tremendously with regrowing. In my case, its give my hair that healthy glow, becomes easy to style and gives me the volume that I need with out applying to much heat to my scalp or ends.
  •  MoroccanOil– I use this on just the ends of my hair to keep it moisturized and prevent split ends. I apply it while my hair is still wet so its easy to brush through, and if I don’t blow dry my hair, it won’t became a massive ball of frizz.
  • Hydrate – I can’t stress this enough, not only for your hair (becomes we are on this topic) but for you health in general. It’s no secret that drinking a healthy amount of water every day improves your overall health, but it also aids in healthy hair; not to mention that well-hydrated glow. I drink roughly 2-3 litres of water a day, it might sound a lot, but trust me you will thank me! DRINK UP!
  • Exercise – Now, I can’t say its my favourite thing in the world, but again, its healthy. I bet you didn’t know  that getting your blood pumping helps your hair grow and improves volume at the roots? It does, and there is no better motivation for me to go out there and run those  2-3 extra miles a day  and knowing that I am coming home with healthier more voluminous hair; and I am working out in the process which helps your over all body, making you feel confident about yourself and your appearance. DOUBLE BONUS !!

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