Let’s face it, all delicious things in this world contain some form of dairy in them, but even so, can dairy really be one of the reasons some of us continue to break out well into our adult life? Well, yes! It’s hard to come to terms with it, and I feel like this 3-minute read post won’t possibly go into all the detail that needs to be shared about why dairy is a big issue for your skin! However, cleaning your face and using amazing skincare is only half of what it takes to have consistently clear skin and an easy to handle complexion. There have been times when I thought I was giving my skin the best treatment possible and I still wasn’t seeing results until I experimented with a different approach. What you put into your body is just as important as what you put on your face when it comes to skincare. You might have heard that time and time before, but it’s SO TRUE!

You’re an adult, you use the right things for your skin type that you’ve noticed give you results “at times” but somehow you still seem to break out, dairy may be the answer. I did a little research and experimented it on myself and was surprised to learn how much your diet affects your skin and specifically, the toll diary takes on your face. I’ve been dairy free for 1 year now, and I tell you, my skin (not only on my face but my whole body) changed drastically! AND you’ll be surprised why…


Dairy does a lot of terrible things to your skin. It causes your skin to create excess oil (sebum) which clogs pores. It also causes dead skin cells to bind to one another, further clogging your pores and leading to more acne.
I also learned dairy contains growth hormones that spike insulin, cause inflammation and – you guessed it— acne. (Makes you really rethink those spoon fulls of Bens & Jerries you had, right?) If you’re like me and can’t bear the thought of giving up ice cream, cheese, and other dairy goods forever, try limiting it to two servings a day or replacing dairy with some of these amazing alternatives:

  • Swap out milk and yoghurt for almond or coconut milk (you can now buy coconut yoghurt and it doesn’t taste any different than the real thing)
  • If you’re a cheese addict, there is also coconut cheese alternatives which honestly you can’t even taste the difference. (hello wine and cheese night)
  • Ice cream lover? Try one of Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy flavours (it’s a little more expensive but so yummy)

Have any of you given up dairy to improve your skin? How did it work for you? Leave me a comment would love to hear your thoughts!

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